The Feast Days of the Bible, are they valid for Christians Today?

People often ask, The Feast Days of the Bible, are they still valid for Christians today?

Here is the Bible Quick Answer: Yes, they are still valid and very important.

    • They are part of the 10 Commandments that are written on the Tables of Stone. As such, they are part of the Torah Law of Jehovah.
    • They are also the roadmap to the entire Plan of Salvation. As they play out throughout the year, they outline each of Jesus’ tasks from the Cross to the Second Coming. They show His death with Passover at the start of the year and then they map out each phase of His work through Pentecost, Trumpets and Atonement until they come to the Resurrection on the Last Great Day—the final Feast of the year.
    • They outline Jesus’ work from the Cross to the Resurrection.
    • They honor Christ and are very definitely Christian Holy Days!
    • They contain essential lessons to teach us faith in God’s salvation, and these valuable lessons reach all the way into the New Earth—not just to the Cross.
    • The Bible Feasts are God’s true form of worship.
    • They are an important part of the 1st Angel’s Message of Revelation 14:7 which is a call from Heaven to return to the true worship of the True God because His hour of judgment has begun. This brings them forward in time all the way until the final battle when they will stand as a criteria for the final judgment.
    • God says, “Hallow My Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between Me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God.” This makes all of His Sabbaths signs that identify God’s followers and distinguish them from the Atheists and the worshipers of false gods. (Ex. 13:7-9; Ezekiel 20:11-12, 19-20)

When you understand the true Biblical Feasts of God, you will then begin to see the counterfeit worship that is interwoven into the traditional holidays of the world.

The Apostle Paul said in his day that the Feasts were a memorial of the Second Coming of Christ. So they not only pointed to Christ’s First Coming, but they still point to His return. (1 Cor. 11:25-26) And Jesus Himself said that even the Passover is not fulfilled until the Kingdom of God. (Luke 22:15-16) The Bible shows that they are kept far into the future in the New Earth when, “‘It shall come to pass, that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh shall come to worship before Me,’ says the Lord.” Isaiah 66:23

All of these things make them important to the worship of God and essential teaching tools for the followers of Jesus Christ.

The Feasts of the Bible, [including today’s Hebrew names]:

The 7th-day Sabbath [Shabbat],

The Feast of Unleavened Bread (and Passover)  [Passover, Matzoh, Pesach],

Pentecost (also called the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of the Firstfruits of Wheat) [Shavuot],

The Feast of Trumpets [Yom Teruah, or mistakenly, Rosh HaShanah],

The Day of Atonement [Yom Kippur],

The Feast of Tabernacles [Sukkot], and

The Last Great Day [Shemini Atzeret].

Here are some irrefutable Bible facts in support of the Biblical Feasts. 

    • They are written on the Tables of Stone, are part of the 10 Commandments and are the terms of God’s Covenant. Exodus 34:1-28 contains God’s covenant document with His name at the top. He begins with the title of the document, which is, “behold I make a covenant,” followed by the terms of His covenant. These terms are all about worship. God defines false worship and then the true worship to Him which is celebrated on His Feasts and Sabbaths. When finished speaking this covenant, God concluded with these words. “According to the tenor of these words have I made a covenant.” He then wrote these words on the Tables of Stone and called them “The Ten Commandments.”

      God’s covenant is based on worship. This Bible definition of the Covenant between mankind and God gives us evidence that anyone, in any age, who wants to show that they are a true worshiper of Jehovah Elohim, will turn away from false worship and embrace the true outward form of worship that God desires. 

      The only other places in Scripture that say, “ten commandments,” are 2 verses that refer back to this same event in Exodus 34. (Deut. 4:13, Deut. 10:4) The Feasts of God are at the core of these 10 Commandments.  

      God then told Moses to make a duplicate copy so that mankind could never say we did not receive this information. Whatever else is on the Tables of Stone, know for sure that the Feast Days are all there and they are said, by God, to be the foundation of His Covenant.

    • The Feasts of God were planned from the foundation of the world when God set up His calendar on the 4th Day of Creation. Genesis 1:14 tells us that He set the mo’ed on His calendar. In Leviticus 23 God then defines the mo’ed as His Feasts and Sabbaths.

      There is another reference to the Feasts existing at the foundation of the world in Revelation 13:8. “The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” is a reference to the Day of Atonement when the Lord’s goat was chosen by lots before the temple service began. In fulfillment of this, Jesus was chosen before the foundation of the world to be the “goat” that would be slain for the cleansing of all sin.

      Even in Eden, the Feast Days again are referenced when Cain offered his produce of the ground to God, but Abel offered a lamb. The only time Cain’s offering would not be acceptable to God would have been on the Passover when only a lamb would suffice.

    • The Bible Feasts teach us very important end-time information and give us great insights into understanding the books of Daniel and Revelation. Daniel 8:13, “Then shall the sanctuary be cleansed,” is a reference to the final Day of Atonement, as is also Revelation 8:1-5, 11:19, 22:11 and more. And Hebrews also points us to the Day of Atonement when it says, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,… but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day [of Atonement] approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25)

      The 7 Trumpets of Revelation are a reference to the Feast of Trumpets. The Resurrection of Revelation 20 is shown within the Last Great Day of the Feasts as Jesus said, “And I will raise him up at the Last Day.” (John 6:39-40, and many other verses.)

      And the Feast of Tabernacles can be seen in Isaiah as it talks about God’s shelter over His people during the 7 Last Plagues. “Come, My people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation is past. For behold, the Lord comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth will also disclose her blood, and will no more cover her slain.” (Isaiah 26:20-21)

    • Looking into the future, Jesus said even the Passover is not fulfilled until that day when I drink it new with you in My Fathers kingdom.” (Matthew 26:26-29; Luke 22:15-16)
    • Jesus outlined His Plan of Salvation with Feast Days language when He said, “Whoso eats My flesh, and drinks My blood, has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:53-54) He shows in this verse that the door opens with the Passover symbols and, through Him, the path leads to the Resurrection on the last day.
    • Paul and the Apostles realized the Bible Holidays were memory devices to keep Jesus in mind until the Second Coming. Paul said, “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.” (1 Cor. 11:25-26)
    • The Biblical Holidays were designed to teach our children a faith in God and are needed in our world more today than ever before. (Exodus 13:6-10) As the Psalmist said, “He has made His wonderful works to be remembered,” so the Feasts are the memorials and future rehearsals of His works. (Psalm 111:4)
    • God will still have memorials of His works in the New Earth. (Isaiah 66:22-23; Zechariah 14:16-20)
    • The Holy City that comes down from God out of Heaven to the New Earth is called, “Zion, the City of our Appointed Feasts!” (Isaiah 33:20)
    • There is nothing in the Bible that ever tells us to stop keeping them. Even the “Book of Moses” that is thought to be a temporary book with less stature than the 10 Commandments, is actually the Sephir Torah—the Torah Scroll! (Deuteronomy 31:26) This Book of the Law is the Book of the Law of Jehovah Elohim! And this Book of the Law of God is the Pentateuch—the first five books of the Bible. This duplicate copy that God told Moses to write (Ex. 34:27) is the only existing copy of God’s Law, seeing as the Stone Tablets are lost. And this Book forms the foundation of the entire Judeo-Christian religion. (See also the Book of the Law, the Book of the Covenant in Nehemiah 8:1, 3, 8, 18, 9:3; 2 Chronicles 34:14-15)

Most of the arguments that are brought against the Feasts Days stem from our confusion over the Sacrificial System. The Feasts and Sabbaths were never part of the Ceremonial Law of sacrifice. If we can separate these two different teaching methods——the Sacrificial Law and the Sabbath Commandment——then we will be able to stop the confusion about the validity of the Feasts. 

It is true that we would insult Jehovah and dishonor Christ if we resumed the temple sacrifices. But the opposite is true of the Feast Days. Christ asked us to use these holidays as the memorial of His sacrifice. He said, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” (Luke 22:19)

The bread and wine ceremony, that Christians still believe in honoring today, is the same Passover Feast that Jesus kept with His disciples as He changed the symbols of the body of the Lamb to the bread and the blood of the Lamb to the wine. To obey Christ’s command to keep the Passover in this method, would be giving honor to His memory. 

Other arguments——in Galatians, Colossians, Isaiah, Hosea, etc.——that appear to stand against the Bible Feasts have serious flaws according to the Bible facts. These arguments may be heartfelt by preachers but, when examined closely, they reveal a lack of understanding of the truth as it is revealed in the Bible. Not a single one of those arguments against the Biblical Feasts for Christians today has been shown to be Biblically valid.


For more information, look for my upcoming book, “The Feasts of the Lord—the Controversy Ended.”

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    Spring 2019: The Biblical New Year for 2019 was on Monday May 6.

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