Asteroids has brought to light a recent study out of Johns Hopkins University.



Based on new calculations, scientists have theorized that it will be more difficult than previously believed to blow up an approaching asteroid. This brief article tells more than the surface story. It reveals how intensively the scientific community is–and has been–searching for technology to save the planet from a potential asteroid collision. Yes, they have been contemplating mining the resources of these space objects, but their concerns are more strongly focused on what can be done in the case of a potentially  deadly approach by an object from space.


For many years they have recognized that the encircling asteroid belt is tightening its orbit and moving in closer to Earth. They have dedicated many resources to tracking and mapping the orbits of these objects. And they are now studying potential strategies to fend off bodies that may come too close.

“It may sound like science fiction but a great deal of research considers asteroid collisions. For example, if there’s an asteroid coming at Earth, are we better off breaking it into small pieces, or nudging it to go a different direction? And if the latter, how much force should we hit it with to move it away without causing it to break? These are actual questions under consideration.” Charles El Mir, study lead, Johns Hopkins University

“We are impacted fairly often by small asteroids…. It is only a matter of time before these questions go from being academic to defining our response to a major threat.”  K. T. Ramesh, director of the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute

On the Biblical front, all four of the first Trumpets of Revelation 8 can be addressed by this concern.


  • “Hail and fire mingled with blood were thrown to the earth…” Rev. 8:7
  • “Something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea…” Rev. 8:8
  • “A great star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp…” and the waters became toxic. Rev. 8:10
  • The sun, moon and stars are darkened for a third of the day and a third of the night. Rev. 8:12


“Thrown to the earth,” “thrown into the sea,” “fell from heaven,” These are clearly objects coming from the cosmos to the earth and not something generated here on the planet. For the sun, moon and stars to be darkened, there must be some object, smoke or cloud that passes between the earth and the moon, obscuring these heavenly bodies.


Even the toxic waters could be explained if there in an attempt to destroy an approaching asteroid with nuclear or atomic weapons and radioactive fallout returns to the earth.


All of these four trumpets signify cosmic calamities of some sort. How distressing this will be to people who are expecting the earth to continue on as it has for billions of years more. No wonder God counsels His people to “neither fear ye their fear nor be afraid.” And He counsels us to keep our eyes on Jesus when He finishes this verse: “Sanctify the Lord of Hosts Himself and let Him be your fear and let Him be your dread. And He will be for a sanctuary.” Isaiah 8:12-14 How valuable will God’s people be to the people of earth when they can address these fears with a message of hope?


You can read more about Revelation’s Trumpets in my article:


I prayed, "Lord, You can show me just what You want me to know." God continues to answer my prayer.

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  • A Note about Barley:

    Spring 2019: The Biblical New Year for 2019 was on Monday May 6.

    On April 17, 2019 the barley was ripening, some was still in flower and some was still grass.



    But on Thursday May 23, 3 days before the wave sheaf, the heads were full and the field was almost ready for the harvest. This pattern has been consistent over the past 6 years.



    The Bible tell us the month begins later than you think. Find out why.


    Do you have dry-farmed barley fields in your area? Let us know your findings.