Asteroids has brought to light a recent study out of Johns Hopkins University.   Asteroids are harder to destroy than we thought |   Based on new calculations, scientists have theorized that it will be more difficult than previously believed to blow up an approaching asteroid. This brief article…

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The Deeper Meaning Behind the Rainbow

“I do set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. … And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living…

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Halloween—Counterfeit & Amalgamation

We know Halloween is the Roman holiday of All Hallows Eve, followed the next morning by All Saints’ Day when all the saints are venerated.   And we should also recognize it to be a counterfeit of the Biblical holiday, the Last Great Day, which celebrates the resurrection of the…

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Keep My Whole Moed

Today I was reminded of these three verses:      “Hear the word of the Lord ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.”      “Hear ye,…

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September 27. On this date in history, Albert Einstein submitted a paper containing his theory on the relationship between energy and mass and light. published an article which you can view here: There are so many directions your mind could take when reading this article. They chose to…

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The Sun

The original email that came to me from Earth/ is about a double eclipse caught on camera by the SDO satellite. (NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory) The SDO has been positioned to observe the sun and capture data. From SDO’s perspective, there are two eclipses per year. But this time, on…

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Humpback Whale Heroes

Animals are so much smarter than we think. And they have a sense of right and wrong. I’ve heard it argued that animals can have no salvation because they don’t recognize wrong or their need of Salvation, nor do they have a “conscience.” I don’t know about this. I once…

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The Deeper Meaning Behind the Rainbow

A rainbow surrounds God’s throne in the heavenly throne room. (Rev. 4:2-3; Ezekiel 1:28) The rainbow stands above Christ’s head. (Rev. 10:1) Jehovah calls it “My bow”—not “a bow” or “the bow.” (Gen. 9:13) This gives it a past history before He set it in the sky. There is more…

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God is Recruiting

 God is building an army. He is seeking 144,000 warriors. The requirements for this position are a humble and teachable spirit and willingness to lead and be led. The duties of this army will include: “They shall mount up on wings like Eagles. ” (Isaiah 40:31) “They shall run…

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  • A Note about Barley:

    Spring 2019: The Biblical New Year for 2019 was on Monday May 6.

    On April 17, 2019 the barley was ripening, some was still in flower and some was still grass.



    But on Thursday May 23, 3 days before the wave sheaf, the heads were full and the field was almost ready for the harvest. This pattern has been consistent over the past 6 years.



    The Bible tell us the month begins later than you think. Find out why.


    Do you have dry-farmed barley fields in your area? Let us know your findings.