Biblical Feast Days

“Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are My feasts.’” (Leviticus 23:2)

The Biblical Feast Days are God’s Holy Days and form His true worship. God has a calendar. And He has marked specific times on His calendar when He would like to meet with us. These established meeting dates are times when God plans on fellowshipping with us, teaching us and receiving worship from our lips and hearts. Worshiping God on His set meeting times deepens our covenant relationship with Him, brings God’s blessings on us and identifies us as His true believers. (Isaiah 56:1-7, 58:13-14)

These dates are sometimes called “feasts,” holy days or Sabbaths. Most of the world’s traditional holidays have been derived from God’s Holy Days in some way. The true Biblical Feast Days are controversial topics in many communities for a variety of reasons. In Roman Catholic circles it is believed that the Papacy has the authority to change these days of worship. Many Protestant churches teach that these holy days came to an end when Christ died on the Cross and that to keep them afterwards denies Christ’s sacrifice. Some offshoot religions believe that these feasts cannot be kept until Christ has come to earth and purified us, teaching that to keep them before this date will bring on the same destruction that Judas the betrayer suffered.

Many Christians teach that these days are part of the Mosaic law and are not as binding as God’s Ten Commandments or were only meant to be kept by the Jewish nation. Some believe that the Feasts can only be kept within the structure of an earthly temple and are waiting for a new temple to be built in Jerusalem before embracing the Feasts. According to Scripture, all of these teachings are incorrect.

The purpose of this website is to dig down into the Bible in order to unravel some of these controversies and expose the truth about God’s Feasts. What are they? What lessons do they teach? Are they still valid today for Christians? Why do we need to bother with them? When is their proper timing? How do we keep them? And is it okay to change them or keep compromised versions of the true Holy Days?

Studies on God’s True Worship:

Feast Days 101 – an introduction to the meanings behind each of God’s holy convocations

The Biblical Calendar

Can We Keep the Feasts Without the Jerusalem Temple?

The Feast of Tabernacles

Booth on Fire – Decorate your Tabernacle with brightly-colored Fall branches.

Lunar Sabbaths – A quick look at why this is a false doctrine.

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